5 Gallon - Ionized Alkaline H2O & Disinfectant
Health & Hydration Optimized provides water with a pH up to 10.5 alkaline. It also boosts the age-fighting antioxidant potential of the water with a -800 ORP. As well, a bottle of commerical grade disinfectant water whose pH level is so low, it is suitable for cleaning and disinfecting.
Health & Hydration Optimized provides ionized alkaline water with a pH up to 10.5 alkaline. Ionizers create alkaline water that are grouped into microclusters and are loaded with antioxidants; like oxygen and molecular hydrogen. Antioxidants appear as tiny bubbles and present themselves throughout the water. It also boosts the age-fighting antioxidant potential of the water with a -800 ORP. As well, a bottle of commerical grade disinfectant water whose pH level is so low, it is suitable for cleaning and disinfecting.
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Disease Fighting
Reduced waters are expected to have preventive and positive effects on oxidative stress-related diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Antioxidant Rich Water
Reduced waters are expected to have preventive and positive effects on oxidative stress-related diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Molecular Hydrogen (Antioxidant) Research
Reduce Aches & Pains
The effects of hydrogen on patients with rheumatoid arthritis have shown a significant decrease in pain.
Hydrogen has neuroprotective properties due to its ability to fight oxidative stress, including reducing damage to the brain in Parkinson’s patients.
Helps Prevent Obesity & Diabetes
Hydrogen increases insulin sensitivity, decreases blood sugar, and blood cholesterol levels making hydrogen a potential therapy for fighting obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
Calm and Reduce Allergies
Hydrogen can calm allergic reactions by modulating cell processes and restoring homeostasis.
Boost Energy and Metabolism
Hydrogen-rich water improves mitochondrial function, which are the powerhouses of the cells.
Molecular Hydrogen in Sports Medicine
Hydrogen exerts antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and cytoprotective properties that are beneficial to the cell.
Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Tumor Benefits
Hydrogen is able to reduce the risk of life style-related diseases and thus can be used to treat various diseases using its characteristic of protecting nuclear DNA and mitochondria.